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    Friday, April 4, 2025 Micro Church Planting Saturday, April 5, 2025 Creating a Culture of Evangelism TRAINING HOST & LEADER The training is hosted by our Virginia District. Phillip Fuller will serve as your host. Looking forward to welcoming you there. Dr. Mark Bane, Evangelism & New Church Development Director, Church of the Nazarene. Mark Bane has been an effective leader in every place of service - pastor, district superintendent, denominational leader. His passion for evangelism is contagious. He is a gifted communicator that effectively uses story, humor, and passion to communicate life and ministry transformation. Other trainers will also likely be part of this training. You will not be disappointed. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2025 MICRO CHURCH PLANTING This training answers the questions: Who should plant a micro church? How do I plant a micro church? How do micro and a prevailing model churches differ? This training will assist participants to learn how to start a micro church with little income, few people, and minimal expense. Hear from practitioners who are reaching communities currently by planting micro churches in a variety of settings and cultural environments. Place: District Resource Center 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112 Time: 5:00pm to 8:30pm Meal: L ight Dinner is included Registration: Space is limited to the first 30 who register Registration in advance to secure appropriate meals and resources For Whom: Open to all, clergy, laity, all who are interested in Church House type ministries. Saturday, April 5, 2025 CREATING A CULTURE OF EVANGELISM This training gives local churches tools and best practices to shift the culture from an inward focus to an outward focused missional focus through which the making of new disciples is the norm rather than the exception. The training helps evaluate the current culture providing insights on how to adapt the language, activity and culture to become missional. Place: Connecting Pointe Church of the Nazarene 591 Broad St. Rd, Manakin-Sabot, Virginia (Just west of Richmond on Rt 250) Time: 10:00pm to 4:00pm Lunch provided for a cost of $10 Registration: Open to the first 150 Registration in advance to secure appropriate meals and resources For whom: Open to Pastors, Board Members, Members and friends of churches who desire to see their churches grow.

  • Zone Huddles 2025

    Pastors Zone Huddles are designed for pastors, ministers and key leaders from local churches. What is a zone huddle? Is a time of fellowship, training, prayer, sharing & encouragement.  It is that time of the year when we have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Fuller, our District Superintendent, to talk about all the exciting things that are happening on our Virginia District.​ Change of PLANS. In light of several factors, I am making changes to our upcoming ZONE HUDDLES schedule. We want everyone to be informed. Please read carefully.   In a Nutshell:  We are replacing the in-person ZONE HUDDLE EVENTS, for the Colonial, Tidewater and Peninsula zones by ADDING Three VIRTUAL OPTIONS. In-person Zone huddles for Battlefield capital Southwest and Blue Ridge zones remain as planned. Read below for more details. THREE VIRTUAL OPTIONS      Thursday, January 23, 2025, 7pm to 7:45pm     Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 9am to 9:45am     Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 2pm to 2:45pm ​ This virtual huddle is for any pastor who cannot attend an in-person event, and is especially designed for the Tidewater; Peninsula, Colonial, and Valley.  If you are interested in attending in person at a zone huddle other than your zone, please reach out to the specific leader mentioned below. ​ THE FOLLOWING THREE EVENTS MEET IN PERSON CAPITAL and BATTLEFIELD Zones Huddle  — AT WOODBRIDGE CotN Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:45am-1:45pm Pastor Pamm Fontana ( ) SOUTHWEST Zone  — AT ABINGDON CotN Monday, January 27, 2025, 6pm - 8pm Pastor Lee Schnelle ( ) BLUE RIDGE Zone  — AT ROANOKE EAST GATE CotN Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 5:30pm - 7:30pm Pastor Caleb Kriner ( )

  • Hope Happens | December 12, 2024

    The HOPE HAPPENS Zoom Huddles are designed for pastors & and ministers from local churches. “Refreshing Our Memory for the Sake of Our Mission.” Our special guest is Ryan Giffin, Archivist for the Church of the Nazarene. Ryan has a spirit-filled presentation on the historic and missional focus of the Church of the Nazarene which you will not want to miss. It has been some time since we’ve had a “Hope Happens” event online and we invite you to place this event on your calendar and join in the inspiration.   We’ll have a few moments for important strategic announcements and carve out some time for prayer together. Date: December 12, 2024 Two time slots :: Pick Which one works best for you! Times: 10am & 7pm Zoom link : Find it on your inbox. Look for an email titled "Hope Happens"

  • MTR 2025

    February 28 to March 2, 2025 LOCATION: Holiday Inn | Charlottesville-Univ Area 1901 Emmet St N, Charlottesville, VA 22901 INVITED GUESTS: Dr. Daniel Spaite, Invited Speaker Cassandra Trotman, Worship Find more information and the registration link by visiting the 2025 MTR page.


    THE PAYMENT METHOD TO THE EDUCATION BUDGET HAS CHANGED By approval of the 2023 Virginia District Church of the Nazarene Assembly, Educational Apportionments (ENC budget) which support higher education in the Church of the Nazarene will now be collected and disbursed through the District Resource Center. This will enable us to better track your contributions and to ensure that each church is credited correctly for educational giving. This transition also empowers us to explore alternative methods to educate and train Nazarene pastors and leaders to serve Christ, the Church, and the world. You can now send payments to the Education Budget by mail to the DRC. Please make the checks payable to Virginia District Higher Education. ​ Mail to : Virginia District COTN 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112 ​ You can also submit payments to the Education Budget online via our Online Giving Platform or via the Breeze App or Breeze Online Platform by selecting the Higher Education Fund from the dropdown menu. ​ Important Instructions: If your monthly apportionment will be $100 or less, you can use the online giving platform. If your apportionment is greater than $100 , we ask that you please mail us a check. ​ Do you still have questions or need more information? Visit the FAQ section to get answers to your questions. ​The DRC is available to answer any questions you may have. Call us at (804) 739-4884 or email us at .

  • District Events Promo Material

    We want to share a District Events Promo PowerPoint with all churches so that it can be used during your service announcements and in announcement loops in your local churches. You can find more information on all District Events by visiting the event page on our website. Find the event page by selecting it from the EVENTS dropdown menu. You can also find the VANaz event calendar at . Add the calendar to your device by selecting the +Google Calendar icon in the calendar shared here (also available on our website).

  • 2025 Great Gathering

    Stay Tuned!   Visit the page 2025 Great Gathering page through the year to get new promo items as they become available.

  • The Great Gathering 2024

    Visit The Great Gathering 2024 page to find the Schedule and Events Brochure, Documents, Dining Room Menu, Camp Map, Forms and much more. Helpful tips Bring water and reusable water bottles for the days you will be attending The Great Gathering. The temperature will be very hot that week. It is good to stay hydrated to prevent fainting. It is a good idea to have a tote bag or backpack so you can carry your water, delegate handbook and personal belongings. Bring a pen so you can cast your vote. Voting will be in paper. Bring snacks (if you need them due to a health condition) Review the dining hall menu and schedule and plan your meal times so you can arrive on time for meetings and have plenty time to eat. Remember to "check-in" before services. The registration area will be closed during services.

  • 2024 Prayer Initiative

    Please prepare to join us in prayer for the 21 days leading up to The Great Gathering.  There is something special and powerful about God’s people coming together to pray! Last year, the presence of God was felt in a mighty way throughout our services and we come with great expectation and anticipation for God to do the same this year! We have opportunity to: Download the 21 Day Prayer Journal to use each day. Plan to join a prayer session in the morning or evening beginning Monday, June 3rd. (The Zoom link will be on the District Calendar) Sign up to be a part of the 168 hours of continuous prayer leading up to The Great Gathering Thank you for joining us in prayer for The Great Gathering! Scan the QR codes or click each image to get access to the registration form, 21-Day Devotional & VA District Prayer Guide.

  • Church Based Ministry Training (CBMT)

    The Virginia District Church of the Nazarene is excited to announce a new partnership with Nazarene Bible College. The Church-Based Ministry Training (CBMT) program is intended to prepare high-capacity church leaders for effective ministry. This program offers a unique residential internship-based learning experience designed to equip those called for ministry in the 21st century. Qualified students will progress through 16 competency-based, 3-credit hour courses in an internship setting that is designed to foster a deep love for ministry in the local church. The competency-based approach is specifically designed to equip the student to gain both knowledge and practical ministry skills. The CBMT program can be offered on its own as a High Capacity Leader Training, or ministry leadership development pathway, for those seeking to develop ministry skills but who are not pursuing ordination. When the 16 CBMT courses are combined with the prescribed 12 MPP courses through Nazarene Bible College, they form an approved Course of Study for ordination. When combined with the Virginia District-specific educational requirements the CBMT/MPP program becomes the most effective way to prepare pastors for ordination in the local church setting. The CBMT program is offered by the Virginia District at several ministry sites as a resource to ministerial students. The two-year goal is to have enough approved ministry sites and mentors around the District so that all ministerial students will have the CBMT program available as an option to prepare for ordination and a life of fruitful service in ministry. CBMT courses will be offered on a 16-week trimester basis at the CBMT sites (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students will have the flexibility to work with a mentor in setting a reasonable schedule for how many competency-based internship experiences they are able to complete in a trimester. It is recommended that students complete two CBMT courses per trimester, focusing for 8 weeks per course. However, students can stretch a single course over the full 16 weeks if more time is needed to develop competency in the desired skill.

  • NBC Covenant Partner Scholarship Initiative

    NBC is pleased to offer up to half-tuition scholarships for our English degree and certificate programs and full-tuition scholarships for our Spanish degree and certificate programs to students who come from covenant partner churches AND districts. This will be a life changing blessing to many of our students and the churches they serve. Covenant Partner churches contribute 1/10 of 1% of their annual church income to the NBC Annual Offering. For example, a church that raises $100,000 will give at least $100. This giving counts toward the district composite goal. This offering is NOT your Education Apportionment ​ Beginning in the 2023 Fall term (August 1) every NBC student who is a member of a covenant partner church AND district will be eligible to receive the covenant partner scholarship. NBC ANNUAL OFFERING Why Support Nazarene Bible College? ​Each year for 56 years, local churches have faithfully supported the NBC Annual Offering. Direct support from local churches through the annual offering has been essential in NBC’s efforts to prepare adults from local churches to lead local churches in evangelism, discipleship, and ministry. The local church and NBC need each other. ​ Every dollar you send to NBC will be used to equip every student you send to NBC to be enthusiastic advocates of Nazarene doctrine, ethics, and mission. This is your school, and we are committed to being a trustworthy partner. ​ If you are giving on behalf of a local church, please indicate the city and name of your local church in the space provided.

  • Ministerial Studies Classes

    Visit the pages below for more information, class schedules, registration links, and more... Ministerial Studies Enrollment Form Course of Study DTC - District Training Center ITN - Instituto Teologico Nazareno de Virginia CBMT - Church Base Ministerial Training DCPI - Dynamic Church Planting International

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