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- 2021 Kidz Camp :: Worker's Needed
Do you want to volunteer for the Kidz Camp? Dates: Monday, July 12 - Wednesday, July 14, 2021 Please complete these steps to register as a worker: Complete the Worker's Registration by selecting "Sign Up Today" below. All workers must have their local pastor complete a Pastor Evaluation Form. Download and print the form. Provide the form to your pastor and have him/her complete the form. Please return the completed Pastor's Evaluation Form to Mark Brown at Pastor's Evaluation Form: Do you need more information before completing the worker's registration? If so, feel free to contact Mark Brown at Visit the KIDZ CAMP webpage for more details. Kidz Camp promo material:
- 2021 Kidz Camp "Campfire Stories"
Dates: Monday, July 12 - Wednesday, July 14, 2021 REGISTRATION IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! Visit the KIDZ CAMP webpage for more details. Registration Payments accepted via PayPal Kidz Camp promo material:
- A Celebration of Grace :: June 27
The Board of General Superintendents is inviting Nazarenes from around the world to A Celebration of Grace, a 24-hour global worship service on Sunday, 27 June 2021. The hour-long service will focus on the new denominational discipleship initiative, Nazarene Discipleship: A Journey of Grace. Each general superintendent will share a message about God’s grace as persons are drawn into an ever-increasing relationship with God. Find links to the different languages broadcast by visiting: Watch on Facebook at:
- Virginia Team Update :: May 2021
Subscribe to our VTU. The VTU is emailed on the 15th of every month to all our subscribers.
- Actualización del Equipo de Virginia :: Mayo 2021
Subscribete a nuestro VTU (Actualizacion del Equipo de Virginia). La VTU se envía por correo electrónico el día 15 de cada mes a todos nuestros suscriptores.
- Preparing the Virginia Nazarene Retreat Center to be an exceptional place for ministry...
Dear Friend of the Virginia Nazarene Camp: The summer has passed and now we are enjoying a beautiful fall season. We all have missed being together on our great camp grounds. We always look forward to the spiritual blessings, the fellowship, the fun and laughter and many other activities. As you are aware COVID-19 has kept us apart. You will be delighted to know that our camp manager, Mark Hardy has continued to work hard during this time keeping our camp grounds and facilities updated. Also, huge thanks to the many dedicated laypeople who have given and continue to give their time and energy working along with Mark on many needed projects. We have been blessed by your faithfulness and generosity of giving. Because of your dedication we have been able to meet one or more of our annual goals over the past several years. NOW – A new GOAL of $35,000 has been set for THIS YEAR We are looking and planning for the future and really do need YOUR help. In the enclosed flyer you will find a list of recreational items that are much needed for all ages and will help not only OUR camps but also assist in marketing our camp to other groups throughout the year. There are several ways that you can assist us with these items. You may like to donate one or more. However, ANY gift that you can send would go a long ways to enhance our Retreat Center. The following are ways that you can give to help us REACH our goal of $35,000. We would like to receive these gifts before the end of the fiscal year which closes March 31, 2021. 1. Please make check payable to Virginia Nazarene Retreat Center and place in memo : donation to VNRC Mail to 5906 Harbour Park Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112 2. Donate Online at: and click on “Friends of the Virginia Nazarene Camp” 3. VNC Endowment Fund: Please mail a check to the District Office (5906 Harbour Park Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112 with Endowment Fund in memo. Or Contact Dr. Phil Fuller (District Superintendent) at for additional information. Thank you for your continued prayers, your love, devotion and SUPPORT to our Retreat Center. Because of your generosity we are looking forward to meeting again in 2021 to enjoy these new projects. We love and appreciate each of you. God Bless, George Stevenson
- Annual Pastor & Church Reports / Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2021
Many items on the 2021 Annual Pastor Reports & Forms Checklist can be completed immediately without needing to wait for the deadline. ONLY when all items below are complete, your annual church reporting is complete. The format of the District Assembly and NMI convention is being finalized. Due to COVID we are having to be creative. Thank you for your patience as the District Superintendent, District Advisory Board & the General Superintendent work to finalize this year’s plans for our Celebration. Find more details on our page We in the District Office want to express our gratitude to you and your church for completing and providing all the requested reporting documentation &/or information. Reports are due on April 12, 2021 Update of 4/6/21: NazareneSafe Questionaire is now available to complete. Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2021 Muchos elementos de la Lista de Verificacion Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2021 se pueden completar de inmediato sin necesidad de esperar la fecha límite. SOLAMENTE cuando todos los elementos a continuación estén completos, su informe anual de la iglesia estará completo. Se está finalizando el formato de la Asamblea de Distrito y la Convención de MNI. Debido a COVID tenemos que ser creativos. Gracias por su paciencia mientras el Superintendente de Distrito, la Junta Consultora del Distrito y el Superintendente General trabajan para finalizar los planes de este año para nuestra Celebración. Encuentra más detalles en nuestra página En la Oficina de Distrito queremos expresarle nuestro agradecimiento a usted y a su iglesia por completar y proporcionar toda la documentación y / o información de informes solicitada. Los informes vencen el 12 de abril de 2021 Actualización del 6/4/21: El cuestionario Nazarene Safe ya está disponible para completar.
- Funding the Mission : March 2021 Update
Thank you for using It is the most economical way for your church to give. We thought we would share some of our commonly asked questions. When I log in, why does not show my name? Possibly, you are using someone else’s login information. You can request your own login through your district office. You can also request a user be deleted from through your district office. How do I make sure my church gifts post to the correct assembly year? When you confirm your gift, before it is submitted, make sure the correct assembly year is selected. When logging in to, the default setting will be the current assembly year. Why is my education giving not showing on Each district choses to track educational giving differently. Please contact your district office for more information. How do I print a remittance form? While electronic giving is the most economical way to give, you may occasionally need to send a gift through the mail. You can download a remittance form on the contribution page. Click the green “Make a Contribution” link and then click the “Mail form to the GTS” link to download the form. How do I know my Mission 10+ (aka Ten Percent Church) giving status for last year? 2020 giving recognition statistics are now available on the Stewardship Development website. Click “Recognition” on the menu, scroll down past Dr. Graves’ quote. Is the 2020 Annual Report available? The 2020 Annual Report for the Church of the Nazarene was presented and approved at the February 2021 General Board meeting. Click here to view or download the 2020 Annual Report. How do I get my Funding the Mission questions answered? Stewardship has added a new customer service email address. We do our best to answer all inquiries within 2 business days. Email or call 1-800-544-2413 for all questions regarding the Email for all other giving or stewardship questions. Check out the learning center. Blessings, Stewardship Development Customer Service Team Global Ministry Center Church of the Nazarene P.S. Don’t forgot that the Annual Pastor’s Report (APR) is your final statistical report for your church. If the financial numbers on does not match the APR, the APR is the official statistical record.
- NazareneSafe 2021 Questionnaire : Due on April 12, 2021
NazareneSafe 2021 Questionnaire We need to confirm and certify that all churches (whether organized or not) on the Virginia District are in compliance with the following requirements: A written Minor Protection Policy (MPP) has been approved and adopted by your church board. Your church board and lead pastor are actively overseeing the implementation of your MPP. Required training is conducted and renewed in compliance with your MPP. Background checks are conducted/renewed for all people associated with ministries involving minors. Note: As defined by the Commonwealth of VA Code: A minor is anyone under the age of 18. Please certify the information on the questionnaire and return the signed form with your annual church reports by 4/12/21. Corrective Action Plan If you answered “NO” to ANY of the questions on the NazareneSafe 2021 Questionnaire, you are delinquent. Please implement a “Corrective Action Plan” by May 1, 2021. You can contact Pastor Greg Norwood for assistance at Have questions? Refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) below if you need additional information. Forms Submittal: Submit your completed NazareneSafe Questionnaire and Corrective Action Plan form by email to Greg Norwood and the DRC at &
- Guidelines: 15 Days to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As of 3/17/20: The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America -- 15 Days to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) More at Download the President's Coronavius Guidelines How to protect yourself What To Do if You Are Sick Symptoms Testing for COVID-19 Cases & Latest Updates
- Actualización del Equipo de Virginia :: Marzo 2021
Subscribete a nuestro VTU (Actualizacion del Equipo de Virginia). La VTU se envía por correo electrónico el día 15 de cada mes a todos nuestros suscriptores.
- Virginia Team Update :: March 2021
Subscribe to our VTU. The VTU is emailed on the 15th of every month to all our subscribers.