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Search Results

173 items found for ""

  • NYI Young Adult Camp

    UPDATE: Registration Deadline Extended to July 15th

  • Paraguay Medical Mission Trip (rescheduled)

    6/13/22 This trip was canceled and a new trip was scheduled. Details of the new trip can be found on our website and on Come work alongside the Domroes family to fulfill the Great Commission of God in the ends of the earth. When: July 1 – 10, 2022 Purpose: To provide medical care and share the love of Jesus to the people of South Paraguay Cost: approx. $1,800 to $2,000 TBD Medical and non-medical people welcomed! If interested, please contact Jim and Angela Domroes at Or through FB at HopeFor Paraguay *For travel to this country and re-entry to the U.S., COVID vaccination is required. “And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’” Matt. 25:40 View & Dowload the flyer here:

  • 2022 NYI Convention

    June 4, 2022 Fredericksburg, VA

  • Half-Million Mobilization | Movilización del Medio Millón

    A Call to Prayer Un Llamado a la Oración Download Half-Million Mobilization Presentation Slides: Descargue las diapositivas de la presentación de la movilización de medio millón: In Spanish | En Español: A Call to Prayer / A Call to Speak | Un llamado a la oración / Un llamado a hablar Download Prayer Guide Here: | Descargue la guía de oración aquí: Visit for more information.

  • 2022 District Assembly & Conventions | Asamblea de Distrito y Convenciones

    Dates: June 2-4, 2022 Location: Salem Fields Community Church, 11120 Gordon Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Schedule | Agenda:

  • NazareneSafe 2022 Questionnaire : Due on April 11, 2022

    NazareneSafe 2022 Questionnaire We need to confirm and certify that all churches (whether organized or not) on the Virginia District are in compliance with the following requirements: Your church has adopted a written Minor Protection Policy (MPP). Your church conducts background screening on all who serve with minors and criminal background checks for all over age 18 who have minors under their care, custody, or control. Your church conducts training on minor protection topics. Your pastor and church board actively verify implementation of the MPP and document compliance with the DRC. ​Note: As defined by the Commonwealth of VA Code: A minor is anyone under the age of 18. ​ Please certify the information on the questionnaire and return the signed form with your annual church reports by 4/11/22. ​ Corrective Action Plan If you answered “NO” to ANY of the questions on the NazareneSafe 2022 Questionnaire, you are delinquent. Please implement a “Corrective Action Plan” by May 1, 2022. You can contact your NazareneSafe Coordinator. (Please see the assignment list below.) Have questions? Refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) below if you need additional information. Forms Submittal: Submit your completed NazareneSafe Questionnaire and Corrective Action Plan form by email to your NazareneSafe Coordinator. (Please see the assignment list below.)

  • Cuestionario NazareneSafe 2022: Vence el 11 de abril de 2022

    Cuestionario NazareneSafe 2022 Necesitamos confirmar y certificar que todas las iglesias (organizadas o no) en el Distrito de Virginia cumplen con los siguientes requisitos: Su iglesia ha adoptado una Política de protección de menores (MPP) por escrito. Su iglesia lleva a cabo una investigación de antecedentes de todos los que prestan servicios con menores y verificaciones de antecedentes penales para todos los mayores de 18 años que tienen menores bajo su cuidado, custodia o control. Su iglesia realiza capacitaciones sobre temas de protección de menores. Su pastor y la junta de la iglesia verifican activamente la implementación del MPP y documentan el cumplimiento del DRC. ​Nota: Según lo define el Código de la Commonwealth of VA: un menor es cualquier persona menor de 18 años. ​ Certifique la información en el cuestionario y devuelva el formulario firmado con los informes anuales de su iglesia antes del 04/11/22. Plan de Acción Correctiva Si respondió “NO” a CUALQUIERA de las preguntas del Cuestionario NazareneSafe 2022, está en mora. Implemente un "Plan de acción correctiva" antes del 1 de mayo de 2022. Puede comunicarse con su Coordinador de NazareneSafe. (Consulte la lista de asignaciones a continuación). ¿Tiene preguntas? Consulte las "Preguntas frecuentes" (FAQ) a continuación si necesita información adicional. Envío de formularios: Envíe su Cuestionario de NazareneSafe y Plan de Acción Correctiva completo por correo electrónico a su Coordinador de NazareneSafe. (Consulte la lista de asignaciones a continuación).

  • Annual Pastor & Church Reports / Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2022

    Many items on the 2022 Annual Pastor Reports & Forms Checklist can be completed immediately without needing to wait for the deadline. ONLY when all items on the list are complete, your annual church reporting is complete. Find more details on our page We in the District Office want to express our gratitude to you and your church for completing and providing all the requested reporting documentation &/or information. Reports are due on April 11, 2022 Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2022 Muchos elementos de la Lista de Verificacion Reportes Anuales del Pastor y la Iglesia 2022 se pueden completar de inmediato sin necesidad de esperar la fecha límite. SOLAMENTE cuando todos los elementos a en la lista estén completos, su informe anual de la iglesia estará completo. Encuentra más detalles en nuestra página En la Oficina de Distrito queremos expresarle nuestro agradecimiento a usted y a su iglesia por completar y proporcionar toda la documentación y/o información de informes solicitada. Los informes vencen el 11 de abril de 2022

  • 2022 Credential & Studies Paperwork

    Virginia District Ministerial Credential and Studies Students! It’s that time again to complete your credential paperwork for this year’s upcoming interview meetings. Scheduling begins January 1, 2022! All forms are LIVE on our website ( All paperwork must be received before a time slot will be given including the Church Board Recommendation Form. Specific details are below. Reminder: Meeting Dates: Mon, March 14th (Stuarts Draft COTN) Tues, March 15th (Fredericksburg Salem Fields COTN) Mon/Tues/Wed, March 21st-23rd (Richmond Connecting Pointe COTN) Last Day (Deadline) to turn in paperwork and schedule a Studies/Credential Appointment is Monday, March 1st!! Please contact the District Resource Center (DRC) if you have any questions. 804.739.4884 // ________________________________________________________________________________ If you are applying for RENEWAL of your District License, here is what you need to complete: 1) Application for District License (2) Essay and Questionnaire (3) Church Board Recommendation Form * Receiving a district minister's license (as well as receiving a recommendation from your local church for a district license) is privilege and not a right. This form should be completed out of your involvement and relationship with your pastor and local church board. Please work with your pastor and board For the completion of this form. ** When an individual is serving as a local church's senior pastor, the District Advisory Board (not the local church board) recommends that individual for a new/renewed license. The DRC will take care of this! (4) All paperwork is due no later than Monday, March 1, 2022. Please return each form to the Virginia District Resource Center by one of the following methods: save this form 'Save As' to your computer and attach it in an email to, OR mail a printed copy of the form to District Resource Center, 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112. If you submit the form electronically, you may sign the form at your scheduled credential interview meeting. ________________________________________________________________________________ If you are applying for FIRST/NEW LICENSE, here is what you need to complete: (1) Application for District License (2) Essay and Questionnaire (3) Completed Background Check Form * A new background check is required before ordination, so please complete this form even if you have had a background check through the Virginia District previously. Please note that there is a $16.00 cost for processing your background check. Your background check will be incomplete and you will be unable to schedule your appointment until this payment has been received. (4) Church Board Recommendation Form * Receiving a district minister's license (as well as receiving a recommendation from your local church for a district license) is privilege and not a right. This form should be completed out of your involvement and relationship with your pastor and local church board. Please work with your pastor and board for the completion of this form. ** When an individual is serving as a local church's senior pastor, the District Advisory Board (not the local church board) recommends that individual for a new/renewed license. The DRC will take care of this! (5) All paperwork is due no later than Monday, March 1, 2022. Please return each form to the Virginia District Resource Center by one of the following methods; save this form 'Save As' to your computer and attach it in an email to, OR mail a printed copy of the form to District Resource Center, 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112. If you submit the form electronically, you may sign the form at your scheduled credential interview meeting. ________________________________________________________________________________ If you are applying for ORDINATION, here is what you need to complete: (1) Application for District License (2) Ordination/Recognition Questionnaire (3) Essay and Questionnaire (4) Completed Background Check Form * A new background check is required before ordination, so please complete this form even if you have had a background check through the Virginia District previously. Please note that there is a $16.00 cost for processing your background check. Your background check will be incomplete and you will be unable to schedule your appointment until this payment has been received. (5) Church Board Recommendation Form * Receiving a district minister's license (as well as receiving a recommendation from your local church for a district license) is privilege and not a right. This form should be completed out of your involvement and relationship with your pastor and local church board. Please work with your pastor and board for the completion of this form. ** When an individual is serving as a local church's senior pastor, the District Advisory Board (not the local church board) recommends that individual for a new/renewed license. The DRC will take care of this! (6) All paperwork is due no later than Monday, March 1, 2022. Please return each form to the Virginia District Resource Center by one of the following methods; save this form 'Save As' to your computer and attach it in an email to, OR mail a printed copy of the form to District Resource Center, 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112. If you submit the form electronically, you may sign the form at your scheduled credential interview meeting.

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