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- Teaching Church West : February 2020
Thursday, February 6 9:00am-12:00pm Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene A peer-to-peer learning experience which helps us be better equipped, empowered, and encouraged. This month we are thrilled to highlight two specific topics: “Ministering Within Your Context” In order to reach the world around us we must become students of the culture and community where God has planted us. Pastor Cameron Dunlap shares about his experience in ministering within the inner-city of Roanoke and will help us all gain a better understanding of ministering faithfully where we are planted. “A Life In Contrast” In the midst of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents a kingdom that is rather “upside down” compared to the way many of us live today. Todd Thomas will share insights behind his book and his long journey into understanding the way Jesus teaches us to live, and how that is often in contrast to the way many, even within the church, choose to live.
- Support us when you shop at!
When you shop deals at, AmazonSmile donates to Virginia District Church of the Nazarene at no cost to you! Add Virginia District Church of the Nazarene as your charity organization.
- MTR Deadline Approaching : January 31, 2020
Click the image to access the registration & event information
- Ministerial Credential & Studies Students : Interview Meetings
It’s that time again to complete your credential paperwork for this year’s upcoming interview meetings. Scheduling began January 6, 2020! All forms are LIVE on our website ( All paperwork must be received before a time slot will be given including the Church Board Recommendation Form. Specific details can be found on or click here.
- Entrevistas de la Junta de Credenciales y Estudios : Licencia Distrital y Ordenación
Es el momento de completar su documentación de credenciales para las próximas reuniones de entrevistas de este año. ¡La programación comenzó el 6 de enero de 2020! Todos los formularios están DISPONIBLE en nuestro sitio web ( Toda la documentación debe recibirse antes de que se otorgue un intervalo de tiempo, incluido el Formulario de recomendación de la Junta de la Iglesia. Se pueden encontrar detalles específicos en o marque aqui.