Dear Pastors,
It is a joy and privilege to work alongside women and men who love God and have a desire to reach people for His Kingdom.
A few weeks ago, some of your District leaders came together to brainstorm and identify how we can help our local churches reach more people. As a result, we have several key District Initiatives that will: (1) enable our churches to strengthen their efforts to reach people for Christ; (2) have access to more training opportunities; and, (3) celebrate big and small victories along the way.
Our Summer Initiative focuses on Church Connection and Outreach. Our desire is to see every church have at least one new guest even during the summer. In an effort to help you get a good start, we have provided each church with almost one hundred packets of seeds, along with a sample note that you may want to use. You can find the template for this note on our website, www.vanaz.org, under District Initiatives. Feel free to purchase additional packets for your ministry need.
These packets are a tool in your hands to help launch a healthy conversation on the importance of reaching new people through a warmly extended invitation. We ask you to distribute these packets to your church family, then encourage them to invite their friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances to a worship service or church activity with them.
Beginning in July, we will ask each church to report the number of new guests that have attended. Our hope is to have more than 1,000 guests in our district churches before September 1. This serves as a leading indicator of our outreach and love for our neighbor.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joyce Grambo at joyce@vanaz.org.
Serving Together!
Phil Fuller