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Teen Winter Retreat

Early Bird Registration Deadline: December 23rd

We are counting down the days to get to celebrate with students and leaders at Winter Retreat 2023 at the Church of the Nazarene in Harrisonburg from January 13-15! We have a spectacular weekend plan for students, as we gather to worship Jesus and to fellowship. The theme is “The Way,” as we are challenged and invited to focus on how our lives should be molded and framed by the way set by Jesus. Our speaker is Crystal Eddings. Crystal currently serves at Impact Church in Boston, MA. We are so excited for how God will work in and through her as she shares from The Word. Worship through music will be led by Brothers and Sisters, based out of Kentucky. They did a fantastic job last year, and we are so excited to have them back! Registration for Winter Retreat is open! Early-bird pricing has been extended through December 23rd! The cost per student is $120 (after December 23rd, it will be $140).

Visit this link for more information, promo graphics, and to register: If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact the event director, Rev. Olivia Michael,

Retreat Speaker

Cristal Eddings

Crystal currently serves at Impact Church in Boston, MA. We are so excited for how God will work in and through her as she shares from the Word.

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