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Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Dear Virginia District Family,

Greetings in the strong name of our Resurrected King, the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Every year our District has been blessed to be a blessing by giving to a Special NCM Project that culminates at our District Assembly (renamed as The Great Gathering this year!).

Last year, we raised $22,925.63 for the Ukraine Path of Hope! Praise the Lord! Look what God can do!

This year, it was clear to your NMI Council that God is calling us to be a part of meeting the needs in Syria and Turkey following the devastating earthquakes that hit them so hard beginning this February.

The SYRIA EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE is helping the Nazarene churches in Syria who are tirelessly meeting the needs of those around them. The initial response has been focused on distributing food, providing needed supplies like blankets, milk, power banks, hygiene items, (Crisis Care Kits!), tents, and sheltering people whose homes were destroyed.


You can prepare to give to this offering at our Great Gathering (formally called DIG or District Assembly), by CASH or CHECK, or give now at or mail a check. If you choose to pay before The Great Gathering, please note on your check on the memo line VA District Church of the Nazarene, or for digital payment that it is for the Virginia District Offering by using Account Type – Organization, then Organization Name - VA District Church of the Nazarene.

As we Grieve the devastation, Pray over the needs and those delivering Help and Hope, we Give to the SYRIA EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE, and Provide Crisis Care Kits that will be sent out in Jesus’ Name, God is moving us closer to His heart, closer to each other, and closer to reflecting His purposes for us. I’m so thankful to be a part of this great journey with you!

If you have any questions, please contact me at 804-291-7753 or

Debbie Kleinfeld

VA District Project Coordinator


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