We have a new look and with that new links to the different pages, events & documents.
Please navigate through our new website to get familiar with all the new pages & links.
Here is an outline of where all the pages & info is located on the website:
Home :: Find news, updates & events announcements.
About Us :: Find District's, COTN's & District Leaders' information; Photos, Videos & VTU links
Calendar :: Find the District's Calendar & Upcoming Events' Details
Reporting :: Find links to Monthly Reporting, Funding the Mission, APR, Assembly Forms, Stats Data.
Resources :: Find Resources for Pastors & Churches; documents and other site links
Ministries :: Find a page for each District Ministry, on which you will find the updates, events details & announcements of each ministry.
Online Giving :: Find links for Monthly Budgets, Payments & Pledges, & NMI Check Donations information.
If you are looking for something else not mentioned above feel free to SEARCH our site or CONTACT us at admin@vanaz.org or by sending us a message thru the CHAT option on the website.