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Funding the Mission : March 2021 Update

Updated: May 17, 2021

Thank you for using It is the most economical way for your church to give. We thought we would share some of our commonly asked questions. When I log in, why does not show my name? Possibly, you are using someone else’s login information. You can request your own login through your district office. You can also request a user be deleted from through your district office. How do I make sure my church gifts post to the correct assembly year? When you confirm your gift, before it is submitted, make sure the correct assembly year is selected. When logging in to, the default setting will be the current assembly year. Why is my education giving not showing on Each district choses to track educational giving differently. Please contact your district office for more information. How do I print a remittance form? While electronic giving is the most economical way to give, you may occasionally need to send a gift through the mail. You can download a remittance form on the contribution page. Click the green “Make a Contribution” link and then click the “Mail form to the GTS” link to download the form. How do I know my Mission 10+ (aka Ten Percent Church) giving status for last year? 2020 giving recognition statistics are now available on the Stewardship Development website. Click “Recognition” on the menu, scroll down past Dr. Graves’ quote. Is the 2020 Annual Report available? The 2020 Annual Report for the Church of the Nazarene was presented and approved at the February 2021 General Board meeting. Click here to view or download the 2020 Annual Report. How do I get my Funding the Mission questions answered? Stewardship has added a new customer service email address. We do our best to answer all inquiries within 2 business days. Email or call 1-800-544-2413 for all questions regarding the Email for all other giving or stewardship questions. Check out the learning center. Blessings, Stewardship Development Customer Service Team Global Ministry Center Church of the Nazarene P.S. Don’t forgot that the Annual Pastor’s Report (APR) is your final statistical report for your church. If the financial numbers on does not match the APR, the APR is the official statistical record.


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