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DCPI Training | January 2-4, 2023

Location: District Resource Center (DRC), 5906 Harbour Park Dr., Midlothian, VA 23112

Time: 9am - 5pm

Course: Church Planting Essentials

Cost: $45 (includes lunch and snacks for all 3 days and all training materials)

Check payable to: VA District Church of the Nazarene

Registration: Register Online Now

District Church Plant Training Coordinator:

Reggie Phillips | 804-677-8748 | This is a good time for pastors who feel like they have lost much this year to plan for how to restart and grow during the next year.


Training Track Offered

Church Planting Essentials - This is the practical nuts and bolts of church planting from receiving a clear vision, to assembling a team, to how to budget for the sound system. If you are called to be a church planter, are looking to be on a church planting team, or are just curious what it takes to plant a new church, this course will teach you the basic principles and how to apply them in your own local context.


Visit the VA District DCPI Page ( for more detailed information.


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