No In-Person Gathering This Year
The Board of General Superintendents has given the District Advisory Board authority to make a determination about District Assembly:
No Assembly this Year at SFCC: The DAB determined on 3/19/2020 that an in-person meeting for District Assembly is not feasible this year. That is correct NO DISTRICT ASSEMBLY GATHERING this year.
Annual Pastor’s Reports: Regardless, Pastors and Churches have the Annual Pastor’s Report process that is still due on April 13, 2020. Pastor, a separate email with a link to the report documents will be in your email box today.
For Attendance purposes report attendance averages from April 1, 2019 through February 29, 2020 (11 months).
For Financial reports include all giving and expenses through the month of March 2020 (12 months).

Lead Pastors:
Please complete your APR & all Assembly Forms on or prior to the due date.
We appreciate your help in completing all the necessary forms & attention to the due date.
Annual Pastor's Report & Forms are due on APRIL 13, 2020 by 5pm
Please use the Annual Church/Pastors Reports Checklist as a guide
The Annual Pastor's Report worksheet - use this form to complete your annual report, then login to your Nazarene Account at and file your report there. Print report, sign it, and email/mail it to Rev. Bill Dillon.
Oral Report - Â We know that the story of a local church is more than the sum of statistics on a page. The real story of the church is in transformed lives and ministries. Every year a highlight of the District Assembly has been to hear the oral report of the pastor which shares these stories. Since we are not gathering for an assembly this year, we still are asking of every pastor to prepare a 160-word written report (due to the DRC by April 13, 2020, see online form!) which will be shared with General Superintendent, Dr. Carla Sunberg. A PDF copy of these reports will be collated and available for those who wish to read them. The report is to be a missional story that focuses on either: (a) a person who has been converted during the last 12 months by accepting Christ as Savior (transformed to new life in Christ); or (b) tell about a new congregation started through your ministry, or (3) a creative way in which the church adapted to the mission of the Church during the pandemic. NEW: Please complete online
Ministry (Handbook) Highlight -Â Every pastor of every congregation is asked to provide a different 80-120 word written "Handbook Highlight" (topic is at the discretion of the pastor and is also due to the DRC by April 13) which will be included in the delegate handbook under the heading of each church. You are free to highlight any area of Church ministry you prefer in the Handbook Highlight. NEW:Â Please complete online
The Deceased Church Members form - Please include only those who were church members at the time of their demise. If you did not have anyone pass away, please return the form with your church's name and N/A on the form. NEW: Please complete online
District Journal church officers update - This will be emailed out to all lead/senior pastors. Please update your current listing marking any changes you may make in red. Please include an email address & phone number for everyone on your list. Then, email the list back to Rev. Bill Dillon in a Word document, not a PDF file.
NYI Convention Delegates - Please complete and return to Tina Nelson - or by mail to 10311 Cooktown Rd, Bridgewater, VA. 22812
The Church Certificate of Elections
Alternate Delegate Seating for Assembly
NMI Convention Delegates
Tracy Spaur Lay Servant Nomination Form
GS Growth Award Worksheet
District Assembly -- Awards & Recognition Worksheet
Ordained & District Licensed Ministers If you have ordained elders or district licensed ministers on your staff or if you have retired elders in your church, please make sure that they download the proper report form and return it to Rev. Bill Dillon. All elders and district licensed ministers are required by Manual to file a yearly report. Annual Reports of COTN Ministers: