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A link to resources for pastors who are also parents of children and adolescents at home.
The Prayer Every Mother Must Pray
What About These Wayward Children
Lessons in the Valleys - The Valley of Trouble

Pastor's Resources

Woodbridge Church of the Nazarene Sabbatical Policy
Seminar Handout: Steps Toward Longevity in Ministry: Practical Helps toward the practice of Sabbath and Sabbatical
Sample Pastoral Sabbatical Policy
Sample Pastoral Associate Sabbatical Policy
Virginia District Sabbatical Policy
The Impact of Sabbaticals on Burnout Precursors and Tenure among Nazarene Clergy in the United States (Phil Fuller, 2003, Dissertation Field Study, Asbury Theological Seminary)
EXAMPLE: Fuller 2010 Sabbatical Plan as approved by the Advisory Board and letter communicating the plan to the entire district.
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