New Students: If you would like to enroll in the Nazarene Ministerial Course of Study, please complete the Enrollment Form.
Find the Course of Study Mapping, Class Codes and Descriptions
To review your online file for a list of completed classes and grades, please visit the Student Records platform powered by Breeze CHMS (mobile app for Android or iOS, or via your browser)
If you have any questions regarding completed classes or posted grades, please contact Walt Kriner at wkriner@juno.com.
If you need assistance accessing your online file please contact the District Resource Center (DRC) by calling 804-739-4884 or emailing Jacquie Gomez at admin@vanaz.org.
transfer of credits & dcpi courses
Steps to submit documentation
Complete the course and receive an official grade
Submit the official grade/transcript, along with the syllabus, to the Ministerial Studies Board Chair (jhernandez@vanaz.orgโ) and Secretary (wkriner@juno.com).
You can continue to check your updated records via the Student Records platform powered by Breeze CHMS (mobile app for Android or iOS, or via your browser)
ministerial binder instructions and
handbook for candidates seeking ordination
View, download and use these documents to help you in your Ministerial Studies & Credentialing Journey.
exploring the call, ministerial credentials,
and ordination mentoring
The Virginia District Church of the Nazarene would be delighted to host you for a time of mentoring and exploration of the wonderful call God is placing on your life. Spend time with our District Superintendent...Credentials Board Secretary...DTC Dean...and more!
The Virginia District is grateful for all of you who are responding to the Divine call and pursuing credentialed ministry with the Church of the Nazarene. The credentialing process can seem confusing and overwhelming at times. Please visit the Ministerial Credentials page for information that will clarify the necessary steps towards ordination as either an Elder or Deacon.
Are you ready to continue "Your Call" Journey? An eventual step will be attending an Ordination Mentoring Day once you are closer to completing your Ministerial Studies and required years of service.
policies & procedures
To renew a district license, the student must complete at least two courses in an assembly year. The assembly year in Virginia is from April 1 through March 31. To receive credit for courses in the current assembly year, the student must have completed the courses by the time he/she meets with the board during our annual review meetings which usually take place in early April, OR already be attending a class in progress that will be completed before April 30. Exemptions may be granted by the board on a case by case basis. If the course is taken through the District Training Center, the tuition for the course must be paid in full to receive credit.
When considering completed college courses that may be credited from a transcript to the student's Course of Study record, the board will examine the accreditation of the institution, the theological tradition of the institution, academic rigor, and whether the course lines up with the outcomes listed in the Course of Study. Transcript credit will not be granted for the History and Polity course if the course was taken more than 8 years ago. The student will be required to take the current History and Polity course. For all other transcript credit, courses completed more than 10 years ago will be considered on case by case basis. The student may be required to take the current class, or the student may be required to complete additional reading and/or written assignments to receive credit for the class previously completed. The acceptance of course credits is completely at the discretion of the board.
The student may complete the SME course through a Nazarene college or university that offers the course and meets the requirements of the Course of Study (COS) or COSAC. The Virginia District Training Center (DTC) also offers this course. An approved instructor will be assigned to the student by the Dean of the DTC. The student will then choose an ordained Elder who will serve as a mentor throughout this course. Their choice will be approved by DTC leadership. The course work will follow the Modular program as outlined by Clergy Development. All course work will be evaluated/graded by the appointed instructor. Because of the length and the comprehensive nature of this course, it is recommended that it be taken as one of the final courses in the student's program. The student should allow 3-4 months to complete this course.
A student may use the option of directed study when there is not a class being offered that the student needs and with the student being mindful that only three courses may be completed by independent study during his/her academic career. An directed study is a course that consists of one-on-one interaction between an instructor and a student along with appropriate assignments to be completed as outlined on an approved syllabus that conforms to the Modular Course of Study provided by Clergy Development. A minimum of six hours of interaction between the instructor and the student is required. Such interaction may take place in a face-to-face setting or through various means of technology. A student must request to take a course by directed study and permission to do so must be granted by the Ministerial Studies Board Chairman and the DTC Dean.