ministerial credential

from the Board of
Ministerial Credentials!
The Virginia District is grateful for all of you who are responding to the Divine call and pursuing credentialed ministry with the Church of the Nazarene. The credentialing process can seem confusing and overwhelming at times, but we hope that the following information will clarify the necessary steps towards ordination as either an Elder or Deacon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you seek to fulfill God's call on your life, and we eagerly await the great things that God has in store for you and your ministry with the Virginia District Church of the Nazarene.
Please select the appropriate step below to find the information and documents you need to secure your ministerial credentials. If you are unsure as to which step you may be on, please start at the beginning and read through all the steps of the entire credentialing process or consult the Handbook for Candidates Seeking Ordination. It would also be beneficial for you to become familiar with the Credentials Calendar to ensure that you are aware of the important dates and events required for receiving your credentials.
Find the Handbook and other Credentials Resources by selecting the button below.
If you have any questions feel free to email me by clicking
my name below and emailing me.
Rev. Steve Guizar, District Credentials Board Secretary
Rev. Chad Moler, District Credentials Board Secretary-Elect
Please note the following important dates on the Credentials Board Calendar to ensure that your credentialing process adheres to the District schedule of events:
A special note for all FIRST and NEW license candidates - if your salvation or call to ministry testimony includes a divorce or a felony, then a process of removing a barrier for licensing and ordination is a part of the process and requires additional paperwork and a meeting with the full board of credentials that happens only at the Richmond meeting.
A special note for all ORDINATION candidates - additional paperwork and an interview with the full credentials board is necessary, and this interview occurs only in Richmond.
January 1, 2025
Application for Credentials begins
January 1, 2025
Interview Scheduling for the Annual Assessment Process Begins
Interviews can be scheduled only after all documents of the Application Packet have been completed and received by the DRC.
Contact the District Resource Center (804.739.4884 | info@vanaz.org) to schedule your Interview after your completed Application Packet has been received.
February 7, 2025
Barrier Removal Application Packet Due
February 28, 2025
Credential Application Packet Due
Please make sure that all documents are received by this date and that your Interview with the Ministerial Studies Board and Ministerial Credentials Board has been scheduled.
March 10, 2025
Area Credential Board Interviews at Lynchburg COTN
Open to candidates seeking a FIRST/NEW/RENEWED District License only.
See the special note above on seeking barrier removals to licensing (felony, divorce, etc.) or Ordination for the 2025 District Assembly.
March 11, 2025
Area Credential Board Interviews at Fredericksburg Salem Fields Community COTN
Open to candidates seeking a FIRST/NEW/RENEWED District License only.
See the special note above on seeking barrier removals to licensing (felony, divorce, etc.) or Ordination for the 2025 District Assembly.
March 17-19, 2025
Credentials and Studies Board Interviews at Richmond Connecting Pointe COTN
Open to candidates seeking a FIRST/NEW/RENEWED District License.
Required for candidates seeking barrier removals (felony, divorce, etc.) and candidates seeking Ordination for the 2025 District Assembly.

credentials application
STEPS 3, 4, and 5 will need to be repeated annually for the renewal of your District License until you receive your Ordination Credential - STEP 6.
Credential Application Packet Forms could be found on the download link below.
1. PURSUE A LOCAL LICENSE Speak with your local church pastor about obtaining a LOCAL Minister's License. This is the first step in the credentialing process of the Church of the Nazarene. Your local pastor will walk you through this process. A Credential History Verification Request will need to be submitted to the General Secretary's Office in order to obtain your local license. If you already have a local license and would like to pursue a District License, the first place to begin is by reading the Handbook for Candidates Seeking Ordination. This document outlines the entire credentialing process that occurs at the District Level and eventually culminates in becoming an ordained ELDER in the international Church of the Nazarene.
2. ENROLL WITH THE MINISTERIAL STUDIES BOARD Once you have completed reading the Handbook for Candidates Seeking Ordination, please make sure you register with our Ministerial Studies Board. Becoming an effective minister requires a significant amount of training, and the Ministerial Studies Board provides this training through the District Training Center (DTC) and/or the Instituto Teologico Nazareno de Virginia (ITN). In addition to the DTC and ITN, the Course of Study can also be accomplished through classes from colleges approved by the Ministerial Studies Board for the purpose of fulfilling the educational requirements for ordination.  For a better understanding of approved colleges and curriculum, please contact the Ministerial Studies Board Chair, Rev.Jeffrey Hernandez at jhernandez@vanaz.org. Please visit www.vanaz.org/ministerialstudies, and submit complete the Enrollment Form to become enrolled in the Church of the Nazarene's Course of Studies.
3. APPLY FOR A DISTRICT MINISTER'S LICENSE After having a local minister's license for at least one year, and successfully passing at least six courses (including the History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene), a candidate may approach his or her pastor and request that the local church board recommend the candidate to the Ministerial Studies Board and Ministerial Credentials Boards for a district minister's license. To receive a first district license or a renewal, a completed application packet must be submitted each year. (Note-if there is a felony conviction or a divorce in your history, the candidate will need to contact the Ministerial Credentials Secretary-Elect, Rev. Chad Moler, to discuss potential barrier removal first, before applying for District License). For applicants seeking a new or renewed District License at the 2025 District Assembly, application packets will be received beginning January 1, 2025. While you may obtain the documents below prior to that date, please do not submit them until our application period begins in the new year. All paperwork due no later than February 28, 2025! The District License Application Packet Info: (1) Application for District License Form (2025) (2) Essay and Questionnaire Form (2025) (3) Church Board Recommendation Form (2025) * Receiving a district minister's license (as well as receiving a recommendation from your local church for a district license) is a privilege and not a right. This form should be completed out of your involvement and relationship with your pastor and local church board. Please work with your pastor and church board secretary for the completion of this form. * When an individual is serving as a local church's senior pastor, the District Advisory Board (not the local church board) recommends that individual for a new/renewed license. The DRC and DAB will take care of this for each applicant. (4) Completed Background Check Form (2025) * A background check form is required for those applying for their first or new license. * Renewal License applicants do not need this form. * A background check will be required upon applying for Ordination (see Ordination credential - Step 6). * There is a $20.00 fee for processing your background check. Your background check will be incomplete and you will be unable to schedule your annual appointment until this payment has been received.
4. PARTICIPATE IN THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS After submitting all of your documents to the Board of Ministerial Credentials, you will need to schedule an interview with the Ministerial Studies Board and Board of Ministerial Credentials. You can contact the District Resource Center, to obtain an appointment with both boards. The scheduling of appointments will begin on January 1, 2025. Please call or email District Resource Center to set up your appointment with the Ministerial Studies Board and Credentials Boards (804.739.4884 | info@vanaz.org). Please note that no appointment will be scheduled until all of the documents from your application packet are received. Please make sure your documents have been submitted and received before attempting to schedule your appointment. When scheduling a location for your appointment, it is important to note that the "area" credentials meetings are for first time, new and renewal applications for those seeking their District License. While every minister in the assessment process is aiming for Ordination, the candidates seeking to be ordained at the 2025 District Assembly must meet with the full Credential Board which will only meet at the Richmond location, March 2025. Also, any applicant seeking a removal of barriers (such as divorce or felony) must meet with the full Credential Board as well at the Richmond location, March 2025. All other applicants for either a first, new or renewal of a District License are welcome to attend the area meeting most convenient to them, Mon, March 10th Tues, March 11th Mon/Tues/Wed, March 17-19
5. RECEIVE YOUR DISTRICT LICENSE Candidates receiving their first district minister's license are expected to attend the district assembly that year. Having been approved by the district assembly, their license will be received through a special presentation during the ordination service of the district assembly. Candidates who have received their district minister's license have a maximum of ten years to complete their educational requirements for ordination. We expect each candidate to complete a minimum of two courses each year in order to maintain their district minister's license. A candidate must also receive the approval of his or her pastor, the local church board, the Ministerial Studies Board, and the Ministerial Credentials Board in order to maintain their district minister's license each year. (Note-if there is a felony conviction or a divorce in your history, the candidate will need to contact the Ministerial Credentials Secretary-Elect, Rev. Chad Moler, to discuss potential barrier removal first, before applying for District License). Each candidate is responsible to keep in touch with the District Resource Center in order to obtain schedules or meetings which they will be required to attend. Candidates must update the secretary of the Ministerial Studies Board with their current address, phone number, and email address. Candidates must also notify the Dean of the District Training Center, Rev. Mike Lyle, of any change in their address information.
6. APPLY FOR YOUR ORDINATION CREDENTIAL Ordination is a privilege, not a right. When a candidate has completed all requirements for ordination, the candidate can request that he or she be ordained. This request must be approved by the District Board of Ministry, the District Assembly and the General Superintendent in jurisdiction. When the approvals are granted the candidate is ordained at the Annual District Assembly. A slightly different application packet must be completed by those preparing for ordination. When applying for Ordination both an application for District License and application for Ordination must be completed. ​All paperwork due no later than February 28, 2025! The Ordination Application Packet: (1) Application for District License Form (2025) (2) Essay and Questionnaire Form (2025) (3) Church Board Recommendation Form (2025) * Receiving a district minister's license (as well as receiving a recommendation from your local church for a district license) is a privilege and not a right.  This form should be completed out of your involvement and relationship with your pastor and local church board. Please work with your pastor and church board secretary for the completion of this form. * When an individual is serving as a local church's senior pastor, the District Advisory Board (not the local church board) recommends that individual for a new/renewed license. The DRC and DAB will take care of this for each applicant. (4) Ordination/Recognition Questionnaire Form (2025) (5) Completed Background Check Form (2025) * A new background check is required before Ordination, so please complete this form even if you have had a background check through the Virginia District previously. * Please note that there is a $20.00 fee for processing your background check. Your background check will be incomplete and you will be unable to schedule your appointment until this payment has been received.
Your Pastor can complete this form online
A confirmation will be sent to your Pastor once the request is processed by the General Secretary's Office
Please return your Application Packet to the Virginia District Resource Center (DRC) by one of the following methods.
Save this form 'Save As' to your computer, fill out the form and attach it in an email to info@vanaz.org
Mail a printed copy of the form to District Resource Center, 5906 Harbour Park Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112.
If you submit the form electronically, you may sign the form at your scheduled credential interview.
background check
fee payment
Please complete the Background Check request form and submit your payment by selecting the button below.

Exploring "Your Call"
The Virginia District Church of the Nazarene would be delighted to host you for a time of mentoring and exploration of the wonderful call God is placing on your life. Spend time with our District Superintendent...Credentials Board Secretary...DTC Dean...and more!
Are you ready to continue "Your Call" Journey?
An eventual step will be attending an Ordination Mentoring Day once you are closer to completing your Ministerial Studies and required years of service.