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The payment method for the education budget has changed.

By approval of the 2023 Virginia District Church of the Nazarene Assembly, Educational Apportionments (ENC budget) which support higher education in the Church of the Nazarene will now be collected and disbursed through the District Resource Center. This will enable us to better track your contributions and to ensure that each church is credited correctly for educational giving.  This transition also empowers us to explore alternative methods to educate and train Nazarene pastors and leaders to serve Christ, the Church, and the world.

You can now send payments to the Higher Education Budget by mail to the DRC.

Please make the checks payable to Virginia District Higher Education.

Mail to: Virginia District COTN

5906 Harbour Park Drive,

Midlothian, VA 23112

You can also submit payments to the Education Budget online via our Online Giving Platform or via the Breeze App or Breeze Online Platform by selecting the 202x-202x Higher Education Fund from the dropdown menu.

Do you still have questions or need more information?

  • Visit the FAQ section below to get answers to your questions.

  • ​The DRC is available to answer any questions you may have.

  • Call us at (804) 739-4884 or email us at

Communication from the Finance Committee


What if we have already sent a check to ENC? That is not a problem, but going forward, please send these funds directly to the District Resource Center office. If you have already sent money to ENC and you would like for us to update the Funding the Mission site for you, please provide us with a copy of your cancelled checks or your online receipts from those deposits.

Will we get credit in Funding the Mission when sending funds to the district? Yes, all Higher Education funds we receive will be entered into Funding the Mission on your behalf.

What is the best method for sending these funds? Churches may continue to contribute online through Breeze ( or may continue to send checks directly to the District at: Virginia District COTN ATTN: Higher Education Fund: 5906 Harbour Park Drive Midlothian, VA 23112

Is the Virginia District still supporting ENC? The District Advisory Board met and determined to continue our support of ENC’s needs through the end of the fiscal year and they also decided to set aside 85% of these funds, beginning January 1, 2025, to support Nazarene Higher Education in a way that will bring a good return on investment back into the Virginia District.

Are these funds going to be used by the District? All of these funds will be kept in a separate account apart from District Operations and are only to be used for funding Higher Education.

What are the recommendations of the Finance Committee Report adopted by the 2024 District Assembly? 1.“That apportionments (budgets) be calculated on the following percentages of adjusted church income . . . Nazarene Higher Education Fund, 2.50%” 2.“Every local church (whether organized or not) remit apportionments according to the following: (1) To the District: District Unified Budget (DUB) and Nazarene Higher Education. (2) To Funding the Mission (FTM): WEF, Mission Specials, & NBUSA (formerly P&B).” 3.“Funds received by the district treasurer for the Nazarene Higher Education Fund will be kept in a separate account not commingled with other district funds. The District Advisory Board will monitor the Nazarene Higher Education Fund and that 85% be contributed to the use of Eastern Nazarene College as it closes and that 15% of the Fund be used to support the district training of ministers…”

Where do I find more information about the ENC closure? If you would like to learn more about those specific details, you can go to

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