JUNE 2-3-4, 2022
Fredericksburg Salem Fields Community
Church of the Nazarene
11120 Gordon Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
CARRY THE FIRE: A Gathering of Virginia Nazarenes Celebrating Mission and Ministry
A joint District Assembly / NMI / NDI / NYI Convention event, called “CARRY THE FIRE ” is planned for June 2-4, 2022 starting at 4:00PM on Thursday (Check-In starts at 11AM) and ending at Noon on the 4th. This unified event includes District Assembly, NMI, NDI, and NYI business and inspiration. CARRY THE FIRE will be held at Salem Fields Community COTN in Fredericksburg, VA.
All pastors, associates, elected delegates are members of this gathering and invited (expected) to participate.
This year we are excited to also offer several Equipping Workshops, starting at 1:00PM on Thursday, June 2nd (Check-In starts at 11AM). These workshops will be offered Thursday (2nd) and Friday (3rd). Who can attend the Equipping Workshops? We invite all pastors, associates, elected delegates and guests to attend. See a full list of workshops and descriptions below.
We will have the business of the NDI Convention, NMI Convention, and the District Assembly in SIX sessions (2 on Thursday / 3 on Friday, including the Ordination Service / 1 on Saturday). The Service of Christian Ministry (Ordination Service) will be on Friday at 6:45PM. The NYI Convention will be held on Saturday (4th) at 9AM.

District Assembly Schedule
Thursday, June 2, 2022 (Childcare Available)
11:00AM - 4:00PM Check-In
1:00PM - 1:45PM Equipping Workshops
2:00PM - 2:45PM Equipping Workshops
3:00PM - 3:45PM Equipping Workshops
4:00PM - 5:00PM District Assembly/NDI/NMI - Business Session
5:00PM - 6:45PM Dinner (On Your Own), Networking, Free Time
7:00PM - 9:00PM Inspirational Gathering & Business
District Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Phil Fuller
Missionary, Doug Mann
Friday, June 3, 2022 (Childcare Available)
8:00AM - 10:30AM Check-In
8:30AM - 9:15AM Equipping Workshops
9:30AM - 10:15AM Equipping Workshops
10:30AM - 12:15PM District Assembly/NDI/NMI - Business Session
General Superintendent, Dr. Gustavo Crocker
12:15PM - 1:50PM Lunch (On Your Own), Networking, Free Time
2:00PM - 2:45PM District Assembly/NDI/NMI Business Session
Missionary, Doug Mann
3:00PM - 4:50PM District Assembly/NDI/NMI Business Session
4:50PM - 6:15PM Dinner (On Your Own), Networking, Free Time
6:45PM Service on Christian Ministry
First Time District Lic., Ordination, Retirement Recognition
Saturday, June 4, 2022 (Childcare Available)
8:00AM - 9:00AM NYI Check-In
9:00AM - 12:00PM NYI Convention
8:30AM - 12:00PM District Assembly/NDI/NMI - Business Session
LaMorris Crawford, Former Chaplain
(NFL Cincinnati Bengals)
General Superintendent, Dr. Gustavo Crocker
Inspiration on Discipleship
The Lord’s Supper & Sending Prayer
Important Details:
Pre-Registration is REQUIRED.
Lunch & Dinner on your own
Kids session

Pre-Registration is REQUIRED.
Kids session (Childcare):
Infant & Toddler (6 months thru Pre K-5 years)
Kindergarten to Fifth Grade
Our goal is to offer CHILDCARE for each workshop and sessions if we are able to locate enough volunteers.
We need CHILDCARE VOLUNTEERS! (Even 1 hour will be much appreciated!)
Check-In/Register in church foyer
One Check-In includes all CARRY THE FIRE business/sessions.
Delegate Handbook: Download your copy to your electronic device prior to coming to Assembly. Printed versions will also be available.
Thursday, June 2
11:00am -400pm Registration & Check-In (Church Foyer)
Friday, June 3
8:00am -10:30am Registration & Check-In (Church Foyer)
Saturday, June 4
8:00am - 9:00am NYI Check-In (Church Foyer)

On Thursday, June 2, and Friday, June 3, at Salem Fields Community Church, the Virginia District will be offering workshops and seminars.
The workshops on Thursday are at 1PM, 2PM, and 3PM.
The workshops on Friday are at 8:30AM and 9:30AM.
Childcare will be available. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
A list of available workshops will be available at the check-in table.
See a full list of workshops and descriptions below. (Select "Read More" to see the full list.)
Thursday, 1:00PM – 1:45PM Virginia District Compassionate Action (NMI) Learn how to get involved in providing relief to those in need all over the world! This ministry evolved in the early 1990s by the Church of the Nazarene and has reached people all around the world in providing practical items and immediate help when nothing was available to those in need. Presenters: Bob Edelman & Dr. Charlotte Holter – Thursday @ 1PM (English) Taller de Evangelismo: Luz en Medio de la Oscuridad Cuando estamos cerca de Dios, Él deposita en nuestro corazón el amor por: “Las almas”. Amaremos a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. Este amor nos inquietará para actuar ante el dolor y el sufrimiento que sufren las personas que viven apartadas de Cristo, y este amor profundo por los perdidos nos moverá más allá de nuestras posibilidades al brindar salvación, sanidad y liberación a través del poder de Dios. Presentadora: Yeliz Carrasquillo-Mairena – Jueves @ 1PM – (solo en español) Evangelismo Explosivo Mucho esfuerzo y poco resultado" esa es la conclusión a la que muchas veces llegan muchos pastores después de cargar sobre sí la responsabilidad de evangelizar en la iglesia local. La iglesia de Jesucristo tiene la oportunidad de crecer cada vez más y más laicos están tomando conciencia cada día de su responsabilidad de ser testigos de Jesucristo. Mientras más creyentes sean entrenados, más rápido se logrará el crecimiento. Presentadora: Martha Pulido - Jueves @ 1PM – (solo en español) Leading An Effective Prayer Ministry Beginning and maintaining a vibrant prayer ministry in partnership with your local church. There will also be a Q&A time. Presenters Marlon & Bobbi Jo King – Thursday @ 1PM CLOSED-Organic Outreach We will discuss a simple but profound process by which we can each become more natural and effective in sharing our faith. Natural evangelism - sharing my faith without the fear. Presenter: Dr. Phil Fuller – Thursday @1:00PM Actively Becoming the People of God Do you know that you are an agent of grace? Prevenient Grace is one of our key articles. In this workshop join us as we creatively discuss how we actively participate in the grace that we so boldly proclaim. Presenters: Stephen Willis & Camelot Shuff – Thursday @ 1PM (Traducción al español disponible)
Thursday, 2:00PM – 2:45PM Como Crear, Desarrollar y Manterne Un Grupo De Unidad En Medios De Los Conflictos Los grandes líderes se levantan por la forma de cómo responden a la hora del conflicto. Presentador: Rigoberto Acosta - Jueves @ 2PM – (solo en español) Nazarene Safe Learn about the four steps of being Nazarene Safe, ask questions, gain clarification, and get help on starting (or revising) your plan for any of the four areas: adopting a policy, background screening, training, and documentation. A laptop, smartphone, or paper and pen is encouraged. We'd love for this to be an active work session, so you end up further down the road than when you walked in. Presenters: Felicidad Martinez, Virginia Pruitt, Pamm Fontana – Thursday @ 2PM – (With Translation to Spanish) CLOSED-Prep Free Bible Study Ever wonder how to lead a Bible Study with no preparation. Come join Pam Edelman as she leads you through this simple but eye-opening Bible Study experience. Presenter: Pam Edelman – Thursday @ 2PM Church Finances Understanding the systems and processes of church finance as it relates to the Church of the Nazarene. There will be a Q&A time as well. Presenters: Marlon King & Todd Kern – Thursday @ 2PM Jesús y el Liderazgo Este taller se enfoca en características que distinguen el Liderazgo de Jesús de todos los demás. Jesús tenía título, posición, poder, y autoridad – pero su liderazgo no fue caracterizado por estas cosas. Su liderazgo fue caracterizado por 5 palabras que describen la actitud de su corazón. Presentador: Sam Montañez - Jueves @ 2PM - (solo en español) Race & Righteousness Martin Luther King had a dream "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." This dream was not simply the heart of a dad dreaming for his kids but a pastor longing for the church to live out the teachings of Jesus. Join us for a conversation on race and righteousness as we seek ways to live into this dream! Presenters: Wynne Lankford, James Heyward, Charles Tillman – Thursday @ 2PM – (Traducción al español disponible)
Thursday, 3:00PM – 3:45PM Acción Compasiva del Distrito de Virginia (NMI) ¡Aprenda cómo involucrarse para brindar ayuda a quienes lo necesitan en todo el mundo! Este ministerio evolucionó a principios de la década de 1990 por la Iglesia del Nazareno y ha llegado a personas de todo el mundo proporcionando artículos prácticos y ayuda inmediata cuando no había nada disponible para los necesitados. Presentadores: Bob Edelman y Dr. Charlotte Holter – Jueves a la 3PM (español) It’s In There! Helpful Musings about the Manual We baptize babies?! We CAN dance?! It’s in there! – practical advice and structure to guide us in our calling to live and speak prophetically into the world around us. Presenter: Rolf Kleinfeld – Thursday @ 3PM Bi-Vocational: Living One Vocation in Multiple Settings "Many individuals who feel called into ministry strive for what is considered 'full-time' ministry. Far too often that status becomes the goal, the ultimate achievement for which we strive. In the process some valuable and important aspects of ministry can be lost. And what about those whose ministry never arrives at the status of 'full-time', who spend their entire career as bi-vocational? Is their investment somehow less valuable? What are they to do with the sense of failure, the sense of being less? In this workshop we are going to come to understand a profound truth: as Christians, we are all called to one vocation. That understanding has the power to bring a new level of freedom and fulfillment to a life of ministry." Presenter: Todd Thomas – Thursday @ 3PM Leading Thru Pain John C. Maxwell said, “The experience of pain or loss can be a formidably motivating force.” Pastor Kevin Skellett will be sharing how the pain and loss in his life has led to ministries reaching thousands of people, and how you and those in your congregation can use the pain you’ve experienced to reach people in your community for Christ. Presenter: Kevin Skellet – Thursday @ 3PM Relationships & Resourcing NDI Presidents Calling all local church NDI Presidents (NDI Chairs), your district Discipleship Ministries Leaders want to talk to you about our new name, our purpose, and our core principles. We want to help you with practical reports and resources, as well as assessing and planning that will inspire discipleship in your local church from no faith to new faith to mature faith. Presenters: Camelot Shuff & Pam Edelman – Thursday @ 3PM Stronger than Ever: The Post-Pandemic Church Dr. Crocker will help analyze the challenges the church has faced through the pandemic and provide insight on how the church can best mobilize for effectiveness in a post-pandemic context. You'll be pleased to learn what opportunities abound. Presenter: Dr. Gustavo Crocker – Thursday @ 3PM (Traducción al español disponible)
Friday, 8:30AM – 9:15AM Prayer Lab Often, we spend more time talking about prayer than we do praying. In this workshop, Mike and Mikayla will lead a time of prayer for renewal through music. They will focus on praying through Psalm 51:10-12. Presenters: Mike Lyle & Mikayla Benner – Friday @ 8:30AM Conversations Among Children’s Pastors Unlock some strategies and ideas on how to recruit, train (NazSafe), and appreciate some of the most valuable Sunday morning players…your children’s ministry volunteers! Presenter: Mike Hancock & Panel – Friday @ 8:30AM Bi-Vocational: Living One Vocation in Multiple Settings Many individuals who feel called into ministry strive for what is considered 'full-time' ministry. Far too often that status becomes the goal, the ultimate achievement for which we strive. In the process some valuable and important aspects of ministry can be lost. And what about those whose ministry never arrives at the status of 'full-time', who spend their entire career as bi-vocational? Is their investment somehow less valuable? What are they to do with the sense of failure, the sense of being less? In this workshop we are going to come to understand a profound truth: as Christians, we are all called to one vocation. That understanding has the power to bring a new level of freedom and fulfillment to a life of ministry. Presenter: Todd Thomas – Friday @ 8:30AM - (Traducción al español disponible) Post Pandemic Shepherding Dr. Scott Sherwood, President of NBC. In this workshop come and learn from Dr Sherwood how he approached shepherding that was effective in a large church but could be equally effective in a smaller congregation. With an attentive plan the shepherding of a congregation is extremely realistic and beneficial in a post pandemic world. Presenter: Dr. Scott Sherwood – Friday @ 8:30AM CLOSED-Renewing the Local Church Do you feel like you are just going through the motions, ticking off the boxes, still moving, but lifeless? If so, bring your questions and join us as we discuss how God wants to bring new life, vibrancy, and relevance into the life of His Church. Presenters: Bobbie Jo King and Yeliz Carrasquillo-Mairena – Friday @ 8:30AM NMI Presidents: Workshop #1 NMI 101 and beyond – English and Spanish speaking local Presidents. Learn how to improve your NMI presence in your churches, be introduced to NMI Central, assimilate the change from ‘Links’ to Care and Connection, and grasp the five areas of impact: WEF, Alabaster, Children/Youth, Prayer, Care and Connection (formerly Links). Breakfast will be provided. Presenters: Dr. Charlotte Holter & Missionary Doug Mann – 8:30AM & 9:30AM – (Traducción al español disponible)
Friday, 9:30AM – 10:15AM Lead Deep Leadership The best leaders understand that relationships make the difference. As church leaders we must take advantage of the strength that is available through the experience and success of other leaders. Join us in this collaborative session that will help us grow together as Christ-centered leaders. Presenter: Stephen Willis – Friday @ 9:30AM CLOSED-Reclaiming Our Nazarene Heritage Dr. Scott Sherwood, NBC President shares inspirationally about the key passions that created a movement called the Church of the Nazarene and engages ways we can fully live into those expressions today. Presenter: Dr. Scott Sherwood – Friday @ 9:30AM CLOSED-Conversations Among Worship Leaders You don't have to do ministry alone. In fact, we believe that we are better together. If you're a worship leader, member of a worship team, or run media for your church, we want you to join us in this workshop that will be a time of conversation, networking, and Q&A. Presenters: Mike Lyle, Rich Green, Mikayla Benner, Brian Marker – Friday @ 9:30AM Equally Called: How My Story Fits into God’s Story Following the call to ministry includes trials and struggles, as it should according to James, Chapter One. Join this panel discussion of overcoming and breaking barriers in your calling or in the calling of those you know. Presenters: Camelot Shuff & Guests Panel – Friday @ 9:30AM Identificando y Desarrollando Siervos Lideres De toda la gente que asiste a tu iglesia, ¿Cuál es el porcentaje de prospectos voluntarios y lideres? Este taller se enfoca en establecer una alta prioridad en identificar, desarrollar, y empoderar a siervos lideres. Una manera segura de avanzar la misión de tu iglesia. Presentador: Sam Montañez - Viernes @ 9:30AM - (solo en español) NMI Presidents: Workshop #2 NMI 101 and beyond – English and Spanish speaking local Presidents. Learn how to improve your NMI presence in your churches, be introduced to NMI Central, assimilate the change from ‘Links’ to Care and Connection, and grasp the five areas of impact: WEF, Alabaster, Children/Youth, Prayer, Care and Connection (formerly Links). Breakfast will be provided. Presenters: Dr. Charlotte Holter & Missionary Doug Mann – 8:30AM & 9:30AM – (Traducción al español disponible)

Fredericksburg Salem Fields Community
Church of the Nazarene
11120 Gordon Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
lodging options
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