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New Growth
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The Church of the Nazarene has partnered with Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) to offer principles based church plant training that is exceptionally holistic in its approach, thoroughly biblical, and backed by decades of practical church planting experience and research. These events are both engaging and inspiring. You will be given time to apply these biblical church planting principles to your own context during workshop sessions, as well as given time to pray, dream, and seek the wisdom and direction of God. You will leave with renewed passion and vision for ministry and a solid understanding of both how and why we plant church on the Virginia District.


CHURCH PLANTING ESSENTIALS (CPE) This is the practical nuts and bolts of church planting from receiving a clear vision, to assembling a team, to how to budget for the sound system. If you are called to be a church planter, are looking to be on a church planting team, or are just curious what it takes to plant a new church, this course will teach you the basic principles and how to apply them in your own local context.

CHURCHES PLANTING CHURCHES (CPC) This is a parenting course on how to be a good mother church. It covers why a mother church is essential to the planting process, how to identify, train, and equip a church plant leader, and even how to birth a church that can stand on its own two feet after launch. If you feel called to give birth to a church plant from your local church this track is essential to having a healthy live birth.

NEW CHURCH DYNAMICS (NCD) This is a full systems checkup for your local church, whether you lead a new church plant or an established church. It goes through the basic systems of a healthy church and how they developed from the 12 biblical principles of church planting. You will be challenged and equipped in how to evaluate each ministry of your church and bring it into strategic alignment with the vision God has given you for your local church.

MENTORING CHURCH PLANTERS (MCP) This is a coaching training for existing church planters on how to mentor others through the process. Mentoring is an essential ingredient for the success of a church plant and the health of a church planting pastor and team. Yet, it is an often missing link in many of our ministries and a primary reason why so many church plants have failed. Be a part of the solution by learning how to be an effective mentor!

Certified Trainer (CT) This is an additional training for those who would like to join the DCPI team as a trainer! If you have church planting experience, a gift at communicating effectively, and are willing to volunteer on our training team, then this is the next step! If you are interested, please mention it in your registration email and we can try to add it to an upcoming event.

Churches Planting Churches

Dates: April 14-16, 2025

Location: District Resource Center (DRC)

DCPI Trainings on the Virginia District:

  • DCPI training is based on 12 biblical principles that were observed in growing and reproducing church plants all around the world.

  • These training events are conducted as much like a spiritual retreat as possible.

  • We focus on seeking vision from God for your ministry and spend much time in prayer together.

  • Participants are invited to step away from their normal routine to dream with God about planting and growing new churches and new ministries.


What you can expect:

  • Daily schedule is 9am to 5pm, Monday - Wednesday

  • Each participant will receive large group instruction, quiet time to seek God's heart and direction, one on one and small group discussion, as well as genuine care and helpful insights from the trainers.

  • All course materials are provided with the registration fee as well as lunch each day and snacks throughout the training.

  • Participants are responsible for their own housing arrangements and dinner plans.

Please register now for an upcoming Dynamic Church Planting International training event on the Virginia District Church of the Nazarene.​


  • Select the registration button for the event you would like to attend.

  • Provide your contact information.

  • Share any questions, special requests, or food allergies.

  • Pay the registration fee during the registration process.​

  • Each course registration is limited to 14 students.


  • Pay the registration fee during the registration process.​

  • Includes lunch and snacks for all 3 days and all training materials.​




More details coming soon

Black Chips

Esenciales de Plantación

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