Annual Church and Pastor Reports
All forms are available now!
Access each form or report by clicking on the report name.
Many report items can be completed in advance without needing to wait for the deadline.
ALL reports are REQUIRED.
ONLY when all items above are complete, your annual church reporting is complete.
HOLD ANNUAL ELECTIONS after March 23, 2025, and prior to April 1, 2025.
ANNUAL PASTORS REPORT WORKSHEET & USA/Canada APR Supplemental Questions: Please download first and then edit. You will be able to fill it in once you download the file. This document is provided to help you prepare to complete the APR online. ***This document is not the official Annual Pastor’s Report.***
Find more resources (videos, help text & worksheets) for the new APR platform here.
APR ONLINE: (use Naz ID to access) https://apr.nazarene.org.
Completing the APR online is REQUIRED by every pastor.
Find more information & instructions on the Annual Pastor's Report Help Text.
IN MEMORY OF DECEASED CHURCH MEMBERS: Complete online. Complete the form even if you have no names to report.
NAZARENE SAFE QUESTIONNAIRE: Complete online by the deadline.
The NS Questionnaire certifies that your church is in compliance with the following requirements:
Your church has adopted a written Minor Protection Policy (MPP).
Your church conducts background screening on all who serve with minors and criminal background checks for all over age 18 who have minors under their care, custody, or control.
Your church conducts training on minor protection topics.
Your pastor and church board actively verify the implementation of the MPP and document compliance with the DRC.
Refer to the provided “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) if you need additional information.
โAssistance is available through your assigned NS Resource Coordinator. You may contact them at nscoordinators@vanaz.org. For more information please visit www.vanaz.org/nazarenesafe.
DISTRICT JOURNAL UPDATE (CHURCH DIRECTORY): A copy of last year’s District Journal will be emailed to you with instructions on how to update it. Please update the version provided and keep the same format. Email your update to Rev.Brad Billet, District Secretary at DistrictSecretary@vanaz.org
PASTOR’S ORAL REPORT: Complete online. Every year a highlight of the District Assembly is to hear the oral report of the pastor.
Our theme: The Great Gathering
Provide a 145-word written report. You will be asked to share your one-minute report (yes, sixty seconds!) at assembly. Every Lead Pastor should share his/hers oral report with the assembly. Be ready to share it!
The report is to be a missional story focusing on either: (a) a person who has been converted during the last 12 months by accepting Christ as Savior; or, (b) tell about a new congregation started through your ministry; or, (c) tell about a brand-new outreach ministry you launched.
Please read the Oral Report & Handbook Highlight Memorandum here.
DELEGATE HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHT: Complete online. (Every pastor of every congregation is asked to provide a different 80-120 word written "Handbook Highlight" (topic is at the discretion of the pastor) which will be included in the delegate handbook under the heading of each church. You are free to highlight any area of Church ministry you prefer in the Handbook Highlight).
NMI REPORT: Complete online. The reports show how the Church of the Nazarene missions are impacting the world. Some incredible ministries are happening because of the Virginia District NMI.
DELEGATES FOR DISTRICT NMI CONVENTION: Complete online. Completion of this form is required for your local church delegates to vote in the NMI Convention Elections. Please include alternate delegates on this form.
DELEGATES FOR DISTRICT NYI CONVENTION: Complete online. Completion of this form is required for your local church delegates to vote in the NYI Convention Elections. Please include alternate delegates on this form.
Check the www.virginianyi.com website for information on the NYI Convention.
NOMINATION FOR LAY SERVANT OF THE YEAR: Complete online. Complete the form even if you have no names to report.
AWARD & RECOGNITION WORKSHEET: Complete online to assist you and us in our preparation for awards & recognitions.
ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT: It is highly recommended that you submit an electronic copy of your Annual Financial Report so that when the District conducts the APR mini-review we can use it as a reference. Please send your financial report to info@vanaz.org.
Congratulations! We in the District Office want to express our gratitude to you and your church for completing and providing all the requested reporting documentation &/or information.

Ministers Annual Reports
Annual Report of the COTN Minister
If you have ordained elders or district licensed ministers on your staff or if you have retired elders in your church, please make sure that they download the proper report form and return it to Rev. Brad Billet at DistrictSecretary@vanaz.org. All elders and district licensed ministers are REQUIRED by Manual to file a yearly report.

NMI President's Year-End Reports
Dear NMI Presidents,
Thank you all so very much for your service to our Lord, your church and Nazarene missions around the world. You are making a difference by encouraging your church to pray, sharing our monthly emphases, informing people of needs like Crisis Care Kits, and so much more.
This year our one-page end of year NMI reports are due the same day as the Pastors’ Reports – April 21, 2025. There is a place to share stories about how your church has ministered cross-culturally either locally or internationally. It isn’t a required part of the form, but we would love to hear how God is changing lives because of your willingness to invest your time and effort in HIS ministries.
Once all reports are received, the information will be compiled for our district and sent to the General Church. The reports show how the Church of the Nazarene missions are impacting the world. Some incredible ministries are happening because of the Virginia District NMI.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
VA District NMI Secretaryโโ

It is required to complete this form in order to have delegates from your local church vote in the NYI Convention Elections. The form is due with the Annual Pastor's Report on Monday, April 21st.